Saturday, 28 September 2013

Handling a Child’s Illness with Darren Butt

Darren Butt is an expert in many things, most notably property investment and trading. However, Darren Butt is also an expert in the field of handling a child’s illness. Although it is not nearly as enjoyable as his other specializations, Darren Butt has some advice for parents who may be dealing with a life-threatening illness is one of their children.

 The journey of Darren Butt and childhood cancer began when his then twelve-year-old son was diagnosed with a brain tumor in June of 2012. Immediately, Darren Butt and his family were thrust into the world of the pediatric oncology ward at Sheffield Children’s hospital. Darren Butt, his wife Amanda Butt and his son, Jack Butt were obviously terrified, but they managed to make it through the frightening situation with good humor and high spirits.

Darren Butt has some advice for any parent who may be struggling with the illness of one or more of their children.
  • Take your time coming to terms with the situation, says Darren Butt. There is no reason why you should rush yourself into acceptance without taking the time you need.
  • Do the research and do not be afraid to ask questions. Darren Butt says that if any medical professional seems unwilling to answer your questions, you should seek out medical professionals who are willing to take the time you need.
  • Keep a sense of humor. Darren Butt says that good humor and optimism helped him and his family through their own difficult time.

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