Monday, 16 December 2013

Darren Butt, Cancer Philanthropist and Property Investment Expert

Darren Butt, perennial UK resident, is widely known as an expert in property management, and, in fact, Darren Butt has published an authoritative book on that very subject. Darren Butt has risen to the rank of master financial expert in the UK, dedicating much of his time to helping bring people to a brighter financial future.

Darren Butt
Darren Butt, however, is not content to just be one of the UK's financial elite. Darren Butt has also given his support to the Sheffield Children's Hospital, joining the ongoing battle against cancer. This was a result of Darren Butt's 12-year-old son's, Jack's, diagnosis with a possibly fatal brain tumor.  A tragedy, no doubt, that propelled Darren Butt into a new passion: the funding of research of childhood cancer. 

Even following Jack's successful recovery, Darren Butt continues to dedicate himself to the funding of cancer research. Darren Butt's passion was fueled seeing the doctor’s work tirelessly to save his son's life. Darren Butt knew that without the knowledge gained through research, the doctors most likely would not have been able to save his son's life. Knowing cancer research is integral to saving a child's life, Darren Butt continues to contribute to finding a cure, so others may know the joy and relief in the recovery of their own children.

Darren Butt, while contributing his fantastic financial knowledge to the mission of a bright financial future for all, not content with his own philanthropy, insists that those with the means take the time to contribute to childhood cancer research, so its blight may be eventually ended.

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